Monday, April 14, 2008

Green Levittown

Green Levittown

AMANDA: (0:00:00) County executive Tom Suozzi, wants Levittown to become the nation’s first green suburb, setting an example as it once did during post-war America for housing. Businesses in the area are offering discounts on energy star appliances as well as other goods. For some it may be just as simple as changing a light bulb.

ADRIENNE: (0:17:19) Green Levittown is an innovative program that brings together businesses, government, the public and also environmental groups. And our role right now is to do the community outreach and the community education.

HUBIE: (0:31:05) We are able to go in and show people how their home is performing from an energy stand point. We do various tests to come to specific numbers such as air loss and how good the insulation is in the house.

DENNIS: (0:44:18) Bio-fuel is a renewable source using agricultural resources. It decreases the omissions that are released into the environment and you don’t need to change your existing equipment to use it.

GARY: (0:56:08) The least expensive of the initiatives is to replace light bulbs

HUBIE: (1:05:29) All of these items do save money in the long run, they start saving money from the day it is done.

AMANDA: (1:08:17) But how do residents feel about going green?

GARY: (1:11:15) It’s difficult at this point now to ask people to dig into their pockets and spend $500, $2,000.

TOM: (1:21:17) I keep getting offers on a new oil burner that’s much more efficient and more green so to speak and I can’t afford to do it right now.

ADRIENNE: (1:21:19) What we are finding is that the economy is a hindrance for people to lay out money, but with the same token now with oil up way over $100 a barrel and home energy bills really skyrocketing. It really forces people to have to think about well I have to save money.

DENNIS: (1:46:26) Is it going to get larger? I really do believe so; I wouldn’t be surprised if you see a green Long Island come up in the near future.

AMANDA: (1:53:26) Outside of Tri-County flea market in Levittown, this is Amanda Brody reporting for Nassau News.

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